Monday, November 23, 2020

A renewed Church in a New Wine Skin.

Most Reverend Frederick Luis M. Belmonte the New Missionary Bishop The Convergence Churches Philippines.

Interested Pastors and Clergy from Convergence Churches ( Sacramental, Evangelical and Pentecostal) seeking for a Home church like us (Convergence Movement Churches) would want to be refresh with the blended worship, empowered with the Spirit of God in this season of refreshing coming from the Lord. 

If you are interested and would want to know more about us. Please let us know and Email us at we are glad to attend your concerns and interest.

Any Inquiry regarding this ministry or maybe your interested in how you could join. Give us a note. 

The Altar of Grace

FCEEC is Now In Full-communion with the CCP / ACPT

 Good News;  The Filipino Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches was now in new relationship with the Convergence Church Philippines en...